Thursday, May 4, 2017

Contemporary Connections

                                                    Given The Evidence
This short article from a newspaper/ magazine discussed the Dehumanization in immigrants in 2016. "Mixed children were at risk for detention or deportation"(1) depending on their race and the race of their parents. This is strong dehumanization on their race and is similar in Uncle Tom's Cabin and Beloved. Similar to Uncle Tom's Cabin because Harry was told he was going to be sold from his mother Eliza to a new slave owner. His mother had no say, and he had no say as well. Just like the mixed children in the article. There was no slave trading in Beloved, but if their was that would be similar to these cases. And just the overall idea that these mixed, and slaves were looked at differently by whites and other races during these times. "Dehumanization of Mexican immigrants and Muslims during the 2016 presidential primary, asking participants to point out where they belong on the 'Evolution of Man' diagram"(1). This seems down grading to the Mexican and Muslim races. This Evolution of Man diagram is making them feel like they belong at the bottom and different then everyone else in the world. Just like in Uncle Tom's Cabin and Beloved. The people were treated differently and put at the bottom. The women in Beloved would be more towards the bottom of this diagram, where say Paul D would be more towards the top of the diagram, as he would have more knowledge and working skills then the women. "Trump supports were far more likely to put Mexicans and Muslim's as being less human than average Americans"(1). And "Latinos and Muslim's residents said they feel dehumanized by their fellow Americans"(1). Which the people in Uncle Tom's Cabin felt dehumanized by their slave owners and how they were treated. The people in Beloved also had some dehumanization especially how some of the characters were treated by Paul D. The way baby Suggs acted towards them. And the way the community thought of the family and the way they lived. Reading these novels does inform how we think about issues in 2017. These issues of Dehumanization are still going on everywhere today. Which this example of the dehumanizing of immigrants and how Trump decides things connects back to our readings. It may not be as bad as it was back in Uncle Tom's time, but it is still going on today.

                                           Indiana Law Review
The short article I read involving dehumanization on a child. This ten year old Abdul was trying to be a normal boy but that was not the case. "Abdul has been working for three years, working six days a week for up to fourteen hours per day, but has never earned wages for his work, instead, occasionally receives scraps of food to eat"(1). Just like in Uncle Tom's Cabin, the slaves would be made to work for long periods of time and not get paid. Abdul is lucky he got food sometimes for the work he did. Abdul would get "Locked in a small room at night, and is not permitted to leave the work premises"(1). Just like the slaves in the books, they would most likely be living at the place they work at, and wouldn't be allowed to leave unless instructed too. "He fears trying to leave as his friends witnessed guards cut open the feet of workers who have attempted to escape"(1). This type of situation would be seen in Uncle Tom's Cabin if slaves would try to escape. The characters in Beloved also feared leaving home and being alone and away from their family to fend for themselves. "Abdul bears machete scars on his legs, but his emotional scare go much deeper"(1). As in Beloved. Sethe had scars on her back that looked like cherry trees. Sethe's death of baby Suggs left emotional scars on her and the family. Slaves in Uncle Tom's Cabin were whipped and treated poorly that left the visible scars, but they had the emotional scars that go deeper too from all the things they have been through and being away from there families. "To protect basic human rights has proved difficult"(4). This is seen in both Beloved and Uncle Tom's Cabin, there basic human rights as humans were proved difficult because they were not given basic human rights making it dehumanizing. The readings of these novels inform how we think about the issues in 2017, like the other article I read proves dehumanization still goes on today, this proves as well as dehumanization is still going on. No matter peoples ages, jobs, race etc.


Wookster. "The U.S. Constitution and Money." Scribd. Scribd, 1 Mar. 2017. Web. 04 May 2017. <>.


Association, American Humanist. "Direct Evidence." The Free Dictionary. Farlex, 1 Mar. 2017. Web. 04 May 2017. <>.

<a href=",ip,cpid&custid=s5805083&db=a9h&AN=121362217&site=ehost-live&scope=site">GIVEN the EVIDENCE.</a>

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